Very few neighborhoods in Los Angeles - or anywhere for that matter - have as much personality as Larchmont Village. For its residents, it is a quiet haven in the heart of the bustling city. For visitors, it encapsulates most of what L.A has to offer: amazing food, great shopping, and a timeless feel that you are at the right place, at the right time.
We translated the energy of Larchmont Village into a beautiful online platform, meant to become the “destination” for all things Larchmont: news, upcoming events, history, and - most important - a custom-designed interactive map and guide to find what you are looking for among the many great businesses along the street.
Bright, solar imagery being essential to capture Larchmont’s unique vibe, we set up and directed a photo shoot on the streets of Larchmont, meant to provide content for the launch of the site - and beyond. As a result, the site properly translates the happy, summery atmosphere of the area, so dear to the community and visitors alike.